Croații votează duminică pentru a-și alege președintele, o funcție în mare parte onorifică, care va rămâne probabil în mâinile președintelui în exercițiu, socialistul cu accente populiste Zoran Milanovic, cu excepția oricăror surprize, ceea ce reprezintă un eșec pentru conservatorul HDZ, care a condus guvernul ani de zile, potrivit agenției AFP. Zoran Milanovic putea câștiga alegerile […]
The error message indicates that the user has made too many requests to the server, resulting in a temporary service unavailability. This likely occurred while trying to access information related to the Romanian presidential election and Zoran Milanovic being a favorite for re-election.
The specific details about the IP address and timestamp provide technical information about the incident.
The error message indicates that the user has made too many requests to the server, resulting in a temporary service unavailability. This likely occurred while trying to access information related to the Romanian presidential election and Zoran Milanovic being a favorite for re-election. The specific details about the IP address and timestamp provide technical information about the incident.